Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide As A Suicide - 1587 Words

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines â€Å"physician assisted suicide as a suicide by a patient facilitated by means or information (as a drug prescription or indication of the lethal dosage) provided by a physician who is aware of how the patient intends to use such means or information.† The physician provides necessary information about drugs and patient performs the act of suicide. Letting someone die requires justification and involves personal as well as social concerns. The federal government does not have any law on the assisted suicide, since enactment of regulation of people and institution in the medical profession are managed at state level (Clarke, concept 3, slide 35, bullet 1). Oregan became the first US state to enact PAS in 1994 by passing Death and Dignity Act. Three other states Montana, Vermont, and Washington have similar Acts in effect. California has just signed End of Life Option Act in October2015, and the law will be in effect by 2016. Common legal guidelines for the Act include that patient must be capable of making decisions for him/herself, and must be diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to death within six months. Currently, the four states in the US legalized physician assisted suicide policy and one state is in the process of legalizing, while forty-five states consider assisted suicide illegal (State by State Guide, 2015). So, the physician-assisted suicide is not legal in the majority of the states. However, this health policy hasShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of Physician Assisted Suicide926 Words   |  4 Pagesethics of physician assisted suicide since the late 18th century. According to medicinenet the definition of physician assisted suicide is â€Å"the voluntary termination of one s own life by administrating a lethal substance with the direct assistance of a physician.† This would typically come into play if/when a critically ill patient wants to end their suffering. Confirming with the State-by-State Guide to Physician-Assisted Suicide, 5 states have Paquin 2 Legalized physician assisted suicide. CaliforniaRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Essay1214 Words   |  5 Pagesrelentless pain and agony through physician assisted death? Physician-Assisted Suicide PAS is highly contentious because it induces conflict of several moral and ethical questions such as who is the true director of our lives. Is suicide an individual choice and should the highest priority to humans be alleviating pain or do we suffer for a purpose? Is suicide a purely individual choice? Having analyzed and even experience the effects of physician assisted suicide, I promote and fully support itsRead MoreEssay On Physician Assisted Suicide1549 Words   |  7 PagesWriting Project Worksheet 1. This paper will examine the Washington state policy of physician-assisted suicide. 2. State Info: (characteristics, size, culture, political culture, industries, features, etc. to explain state support of policy) Washington is a state in the northwestern United States with an estimated population of 7,288,000, as of July 1, 2016. Washington’s population is primarily white at 69% (not including Hispanics), with Hispanics comprising 12.4%, Asians 8.6%, and African AmericansRead MoreThe Treatment Of Physician Assisted Suicide1025 Words   |  5 Pagesprecious hour will give the loved ones a time to say goodbye just before they die with dignity in physician assisted suicide. Terminally ill patients have the right to end their own lives using physician assisted suicide (PAS) without repercussions of laws and people with opposing opinions. According to an article from CNN.com, there are currently five states in the U.S. where physician-assisted suicide is currently legal. In order to be eligible legally for PAS the patient must have six months orRead MorePersuasive Speech : Physician Assisted Suicide1308 Words   |  6 PagesCheyenne Jamison 4/19/17 Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Physician Assisted Suicide Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to favor the legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide. Thesis: Physician Assisted Suicide is sometimes misunderstood due to how it is termed, but this is something that needs to be deeply evaluated and legalized in all 50 states. I. Introduction: A. Attention Material/Credibility Material: The John Hopkins News-Letter said in 2014 â€Å"What would you do if you only hadRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Is A Controversial Topic1929 Words   |  8 PagesOne may have heard of suicide, but not physician-assisted suicide. The two are very different in terms of the act of taking one’s own life. For instance, physician-assisted suicide is done with help from another person, usually a physician; where the doctor is willing to assist with either the means of how to take one’s own life or the actual act itself. This can either be by prescribing lethal doses of drugs to these patients who want to take their own life or by counseling these patients onRead MoreShould Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legal?810 Words   |  4 PagesThe Right to Die Having the right to life, also gives one the right to death. Outrageously, physician assisted suicide is illegal in all but five states in the U.S; including California, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Vermont; this law, violating rules of ethics, also defies morals. Some actions in the past, including women not having voting rights, and experimentation on prisoners and the mentally ill, also infringed upon ethics and morale. Women not being permitted to vote before theRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Of Physician Assisted Suicide1586 Words   |  7 PagesPhysician Assisted Suicide Physician Assisted Suicide Is it Right or Wrong? The ethical issues of physician-assisted suicide are both emotional and controversial, as it ranks right up there with abortion. Some argue physician assisted suicide is ethically permissible for a dying person who has choosing to escape the unbearable suffering at the end of life. Furthermore, it is the physician’s duty to alleviate the patients suffering, which at times justifies providing aid-in -dying. These argumentsRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide : A Controversial Subject1692 Words   |  7 PagesPhysician-assisted suicide is a controversial subject all around the world. Although it is legal in some countries and states, such as the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Oregon, Montana, Washington, and Vermont it is not yet legal in most (Finlay, 2011). People travel from all around the world to these locations to receive information. Physician-assisted suicide is when terminally ill and mentally capable patients perf orm the final act themselves after being provided with the required meansRead MoreA Research Study On Physician Assisted Suicide925 Words   |  4 Pagestheir patients, broke confidentiality, and misrepresented theirself. You Don’t Know Jack is a film about physician assisted suicide. Is it ethical to be able to end your life at any given point and time that you want? Should be allowed to legalized physician assisted suicide Jack is the physician in this movie that believes very strong in people being able to have the assistants of a physician to end their own life. Living Proof is a great film in my opinion. Dr. Slamon is a very compassionate doctor

Monday, December 16, 2019

Communication Differences Male vs. Female Free Essays

If you are a woman have you ever wondered why a man did not understand the way you worded something or communicated something to him. Or if you are a man, did you ever wonder why a woman said what she did or did not understand why she didn’t â€Å"get† what you were saying or why she reacted a certain way to your words? The way men and women communicate with each other different because of many reasons. In this presentation, I will try my hardest to communicate to you, both men and women, what these differences are and hopefully fulfill you with a better understanding of why we communicate differently and how to break those barriers for your professional and personal lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication Differences: Male vs. Female or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. The typical stereotypes. Explain that no way is better, just different. Social Conditioning. (Use personal examples) a. Men are more direct. i. Men tend to be more direct in communicating and look for a solution as quickly as possible b. Women are more emotional and tend to speak in dialogue. ii. Women tend to be more emotionally involved with communicating and feel that the whole picture and different solutions are important. 2. The differences in male and female communication in social settings c. How women build and maintain relationships iii. Women tend to focus on making connections 1. Secrets 2. Relating experiences 3. Discussing options 4. Find commonalities d. How men build and maintain relationships iv. Groups of friends tend to be larger . Do activities rather than conversing vi. More competitive 3. The differences of men and women communicating in a business setting/work environment e. How men communicate in business environment vii. Men want facts 5. Men usually ask fewer questions to stimulate conversation in their work relationships and often end conversations more abruptly than women. viii. Men take one task at a time 6. Men tend to like to focus on one task at a time ix. How men keep status at work 7. Tend to be more literal and use language to establish status 8. Tend to ask less questions to not show they don’t know something 9. Tend to not like to give or receive detailed feedback. Find it criticizing. f. How women communicate in a business/ work setting x. Women’s brains are always â€Å"on† 10. There is more neural activity in the female brain at any given time than in the male brain. Enhances multitasking. xi. Women focus on friendship first 11. For example, female salespeople, they tend to build relationships when they sell. They don’t tend to go into a transaction focused on the final outcome but wanting to build rapport and learn more about the client first. xii. Women remember the little details 12. Females can generally remember more physical and relational details than men. Breaking this Barriers 1. Try to Understand the different styles when communicating with the opposite gender and keep them in mind 2. Actively listen- concentrate on the main points and focus on what is being communicated no matter which way these points are being communicated. 3. Interpret non-verbal clues. In conclusion, men and women’s brains are wired differently and the two genders tend to use two different sides of the brain which in turn leads to many differences in men and women. Communication, whether by a male or female, still has a focus, so find an end result sooner or later. Communication differences between males and females are also most likely due to social conditioning that stem from childhood. I truly feel that there is no right or wrong way to communicate, but understanding the way both genders do so is important for effective communication in business as well as in life. Related article: â€Å"Advice About Communication† How to cite Communication Differences: Male vs. Female, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Complex Employment Expectations - Significance And Limitations

Question: Discuss about the Local and Internationalfor Managing Complex Employment Expectations. Answer: The given article illustrates one of the most important factors that dominate the multinational companies in the current world. The agenda of expatriate employment and deployment at assignment in overseas projects are issues that are of major importance for the managements of the modern companies. These assignments can prove to be very profitable for the companies and yet again they can prove to be very expensive for the management as well. This is a realization that has dawned on to the managements of the contemporary business organizations in the very recent times. As a result they are now redesigning their expatriate benefit polices which will help them to manage the flow of expatriate employees at foreign locations and also maintain long term expatriates. The current article illustrates this particular aspect and also deals with concern of managing the expectations of the employees of the company both the national and the immigrant elements(Coursehero, 2016). The paper will deal with this very sensitive and crucial aspect where managing of expatriate employees in a profitable manner is explained and discussed. The article will obviously illustrate the fact that if expatriate employee deployment is not done in an astute manner then the same can also pose a challenge for the company. The discussion will contain a summary of the article and a following section that will explain the research question. Next the paper will explain the theoretical framework and then a section explaining the significance and limitations of the article. The discussion will finally end with a summative conclusion. Summary of the Article: The article illustrates the case of Japanese women Akiko who has been place d in New Delhi for one of the overseas assignment. This had been a great career opportunity for the lady and she was much too satisfied with her work and profile. She had also proven to be an excellent resource of the company and has put up a good performance. However soon due to the career opportunities that have been provided to her husband, she would prefer to move to Singapore instead of moving back to Tokyo(Andresen, 2011). At this point Akiko is informed that this change, if is provided by the company, will bring in a different expatriate benefit policy. As it seems from the explanations that have been provided by Puja Mallik, the HR in New Delhi, that the company and the management is looking forward to an effective handling of the finance resources of the company, As a result expatriates need to move back to their home countries after their tenure of service contract is over. In case they wish to stay back or to move to another country, the benefits that they were drawing initially from the company would see a dramatic change. The new policy will be referred to a local international package. In essence the expatriate in this context will draw a lower salary to what he or she had been drawing as per the income standards of her home country. In this case the remunerative package and the benefit structure would be similar and fitting to the local context. This is a new arrangement that has been done so that the inflow of the expatriate employees can be managed in an effective manner and they are actually being encouraged to return to their home countries after they serve their tenure in the foreign location. This is one of the best options that the company can boost the morale of their local employees, and also cut down the high expenses of maintaining their expatriate employees(Burnes, 2013). The article also deals with a slightly human aspect where the expectations of Akiko come in. This aspect clearly reveals the fact that changing from one location to another can bring a huge number of challenges for the person. These challenges happen to get all the more accentuated, in case the destination of change is a foreign country. Here in come the aspects of adjustment to a foreign environment, language barrier, looking for a suitable environment of growth for children and also managing the career of spouses. In cases where the change is being proposed by the management the benefits and the supports from the company are much more numerous and generous in their bulk. The situation could be quite different in case the expat is looking forward to stay back in the foreign company or move to another due to their own personal reasons. In this context we see that it is in the interest of the company, that the management shall be more generous to their expatriate employees. The discussion also illustrates a very interesting aspect that expatriate employees are proved to be very expensive option for the company management. They are brought from one country to another to serve some operational purpose of the company. These assignments are mainly kept in line for employees who are considered to be top talents of the company and are seen as a way they could be trained and groomed for the international market. This is one of the ways which can increase their skill sets so that they could be used in higher positions and profiles of the company. Nevertheless over entertaining these expatriate employees could actually de-motivate the local employees. This could mean disaster for the company. In the present age of globalization, where companies are making an advent for the international market, most of the global brands have their independent branches all over the world, scattered in the various nations. Hence keeping a totally centralized structure is quite difficult. As a result the management has to acknowledge some amount of authority and independence to the national branches. It is in this context that the local managers and the general employees become very important. Their expectations cannot be thwarted with more indulgence extended to the expatriates. This is yet again one of the reasons why the expats are being encouraged to return to their home countries after their tenure of contract is over. This is critical yet less thought of economical and human angle that is present in all the companies of the modern era. Foreign location deployments are great opportunities but come with a cost for the company. Hence if such relocations are proposed by the expatriate employees they might be met with a slightly inferior policies and contracts by the management. The case of Akiko is an interesting one that illustrates this particular angle and also the fact that the expatriate employees has to deal with a large number of concurrent problems and challenges at the time of relocation. Research Question: The research question in this case can be made from two angles. One can be the angle of the expatriate employee and the other will be that of the company who is bringing expatriate employees to overseas locations. The central research question will be What is the main agenda in the minds of the company management when they send expatriate employees for foreign location deployment. What are the main expectations of the expatriate employees from their managements? Foreign country deployment are those the opportunities for the expat employees or a form of compromise that they put up with(Andresen, 2013). Overseas deployment is considered to be a great opportunity by most of the expatriates. However the aligned considerations of profit making and employee expectation management both in the perspective of the expatriates and also that of the locals are a challenge which is to be managed by the company management on a daily basis. This is an aspect that is illustrated in the current topic. Theoretical Framework: The given article reflects on a the blended aspects of the employee expectations versus that of the profit and the concerns of the company, This article is a classic example where we see that the concerns and the issues of the company as an entity has more preference and receives a greater priority. This is the main reason why an expatriate employee, if is being transferred by the management of the company, draws better benefits from the company when the relocation is required by him. The article is also a great reflection on the subject that managing employee expectations can become quite internally contradictive; especially when both the expatriate employees and the local employees come together(Viksnins, 2010). Significance and Limitations of the Article: The article deals with a highly interesting topic. The article illustrates the very important aspect where we see that the expectations of Akiko are dashed due to the international local expatriate contract. The nature of the contract reveals the fact that expatriate relocation is considered to be an expensive affair and is done only when it is absolutely required. In other cases such transfers are not exactly encouraged. This is due to two reasons, first the change comes with a cost factor and as a result of the same the management has to put upon with many costs. Again it also strikes interesting that such transfers can act as a de-motivating point for the national and the local employees. The article is highly significant in terms of the issue or the angle that it has dealt with. The article illustrates a very particular aspect that is of prime concern to the multinational companies of the modern era. However this is a point that is not always considered in the HR articles of everyday journals. The article illustrates and reveals many thought processes of the managements of the contemporary multinational. It also reveals the thought processes of the expatriates who are relocating from their mother or home countries to foreign places. The article is very useful and gives us a great insight into the various problems and the challenges that are met by and also overcome by the foreign expatriates at the time of moving to a different location. The article has rightly emphasized on the issues of the family husband and daughters of Akiko. In fact in the modern age of globalization where if both the parents are working and are mobile across the world, adjustment for the enti re family and also the children can become a great problem. The article also mentions that how the daughters of Akiko had been taken away from their grandparents. This is again an emotional context that is very much a fact of the current times. It is a hard fact with which all of us have to cope with. The article yet again gives us a good amount of information about the dynamics of the high income countries and the low income countries and salary construction as per this equation. The notion of how expatriates can actually become poorer if they move to another country on their own requirement, if not supported by their managements expatriate policies, is particularly interesting and also highly informative. The article is very well written, composed and quite informative in its data. However the article does not highlight of the situation if Akiko would come back to her country and would not relocate with her husband at Singapore. Conclusions: The article has said earlier deals with a very interesting aspect. It says all about the management thought process when they deal with their expatriate employees. The discussion also treats the concern of the local employees fairly. In the era of globalization where the companies are enlarging their market share, the local employees of various national branches are equally important and their contributions to the company are just as important. As a result they need to be treated in a fair and sensitive manner. The discussion is very insightful into the psyche and the expectations of the expatriate employees along with the various challenges that they might face. The article is also very interesting in its revelations that there are large numbers of expatriates who are actually more interested to stay back in the foreign location instead of going back to their respective countries. The economic disparity between their home and host countries could be one of the prime reasons for the same. References: Andresen, M., 2011. Local and international? Managing complex employment expections. [Online] [Accessed 13 April 2017]. Andresen, M., 2013. International human resource management. [Online] Available at: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-bamberg/frontdoor/index/index/year/2013/docId/3975 [Accessed 13 April 2017]. Burnes, M., 2013. Managing complex employment expectations. [Online] Available at: https://prezi.com/bl_rsr7_hbrz/case-5/ [Accessed 13 April 2017]. Coursehero, 2016. Local and International?Managing Complex Employment Expectations. [Online] Available at: https://www.coursehero.com/file/18030252/Seminar-5-Casedocx/ [Accessed 13 April 2017]. Viksnins, A.V., 2010. Managing Employment Expectations of Employee-Shareholders. [Online] Available at: https://mnbenchbar.com/2010/11/managing-employment-expectations-of-employee-shareholders/ [Accessed 13 April 2017].