Friday, May 22, 2020

Holocaust Was A Term That Was Formed By The Greeks Which

Holocaust was a term that was formed by the Greeks which means, the sacrifices of the Jews for their God. Some people took the word sacrifice as something not good and it evokes negative associations in the minds of the people. The time of Holocaust is a period that will never be forgotten, it was a time people struggled to survive, a time people fight for the right to live, the time whereby thousands of Jews were killed just for being Jews. The Holocaust started in January of 1933 when Adolph Hitler became the Chancellor. During this time the Nazi party also came into power in Germany. Hitler is responsible for the tragic downfall towards the Jews. Hitler’s plan was to annihilate the entire Jewish community or as many as possible.†¦show more content†¦She and her family were in hiding behind a bookcase in a secret Annex. In this secret room there had not only been Anne’s family members, but four other Jewish people. It was impossible to find out where the Frank family was hiding unless someone told us, nobody knows who the betrayer was that leaked the secret. On September 4, 1944, the Frank family and four others were deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anne, her sister and also her mother stuck together to support each other. On October 28, 1944 Anne and her sister were transported to Bergen-Belsen Camp where they died of a typhoid epidemic disease. Their mother and father stayed in A uschwitz and afterwards the mother died. Anne’s father carried on and survived The Holocaust. He later decided to get Anne s diary published in 1947. Though the Americans came and killed Hitler he still accomplished his task by wiping out thousands of Jews Even though there were a great number of deaths, there were amazing people that survived the tragic event. Individuals invested their energy living underground. Minister s Grotto, the world s tenth longest buckle at 124 kilometers (77 mi) long. The dampness is 90 percent there, and the temperature drifts around 10 degrees Celsius (50  °F). The Stermer family, who uncovered that they and a few other Jewish families had taken shelter in the buckle amid World War II. They d been blessed to locate an underground freshwater lake, however sustenance was more troublesome.Show MoreRelatedNever Again Strikes Again Essay802 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"In the shadow of the Holocaust†¦ the United Nations approved the Convention on the Prevention and Punishments of the Crime of Genocide† (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). In Bonsia, after a genocide, there was the creation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to bring justice by prosecuti ng the perpetrators of the atrocities (USHMM). 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