Friday, April 24, 2020

Insomnia and Sleep Disorder Essay Sample

Insomnia and Sleep Disorder Essay SampleWhen it comes to the topic of insomnia and a disorder known as sleep disorder you will find numerous forms of products available. These include sleeping pills, anti-depressants, and in some cases even exercises. There are also some people who believe that insomnia is the result of an allergy or a sinus problem. These factors may make sense to you when considering all of the treatments available, but this is not the full story.There is a particular syndrome that is commonly associated with insomnia and sleep disorder. This disorder is known as narcolepsy. This syndrome results from a hormone called hypocretin and as such is extremely common amongst those who suffer from chronic sleep disorder. This condition is caused by excessive amounts of hypocretin producing neurons being produced in the brain. The problem with this is that when the cells in the brain produce too much of this hormone it disrupts the normal way that cells function and as a re sult the brain becomes unable to function normally.This is the primary reason why hypocretin is the cause of this syndrome and it is why it is seen in people who suffer from chronic sleeplessness. However, it is also important to point out that a number of things can happen when the hormone does not function properly. At times narcolepsy can result in things like extreme irritability and rage, extreme restlessness, and excessive aggression.The other side of the coin is that narcolepsy can also result in the development of a disorder known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disorder which can result in death and can be a result of any disease or disorder. In people who suffer from this condition narcolepsy and sleep apnea appear to be a sign of a deeper problem.There are a number of different types of treatments that can be used to treat the symptoms of a disorder known as sleep disorder. The most common of these treatments include medications, which work in a similar way to anti-depre ssants. They allow the body to function normally when the individual falls asleep but as a result, the brain stops producing the necessary amount of hypocretin, resulting in the disorder.If the cause of the disorder is still left unexplained then behavioral therapy will be used. This method uses observation, which are done by a therapist, and techniques such as a breathing exercise and some relaxation techniques. Many people who suffer from narcolepsy find that they find that they can use this type of treatment in order to help them with their symptoms.Narcolepsy and sleep disorder is not a simple matter and there are a number of things that are involved. It is essential that the diagnosis of this disorder is made and more importantly, that the sufferer is treated in order to avoid a very dangerous situation. The research will show that the best way to treat sleep disorder is by treating the cause of the disorder and if the cause of the disorder is not discovered then the medication will never be effective.

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