Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Social And Political Influences Leading Up To The First World War.

The Social And Political Influences Leading Up To The First World War. Romanticism began in the closing decades of the Eighteenth Century. Influencing all spheres of life, pervading the populace of Europe and the first half of the Nineteenth Century with idealistic, yet unreal sentiment. Contradicting any romantic or idealistic belief were the uniform followers of rationalism and conservatism, descendents of Puritanism that arose in the Church of England during the early 17th Century. The German writer E. T. A. Hoffmann quoted in retrospect infinite longing was the essence of romanticism, if this definition is accepted, it may be said that it created in Europe, an illicit hunt for a utopian society. This I theorize is the ulterior motive of European society, the search for perfection, seeking a fools paradise. Nationalism. It is more than loyalty to a nation, that is simply patriotism. Nationalism is the belief that ones country is highest on the pedestal of global pre-eminence. It is the need to elevate ones country to a higher global state than any rivals, thus the need for self-determination as in Germany, Prussia absorbed many of the northern protestant states and later the southern catholic ones under the guidance of Otto Von Bismarck. Otto Von Bismarck applying a policy of realpolitik1, a mixed bag of blood-and-iron ,which subsequently unified over 39 tribal duchies of varying sizes, into a single cohesive, culturally unified nation. This is the first time Germany had been completely unified, the change, radical even compared to the Congress of Vienna(1814-15) of which the result was the number of states decreasing from 240 to 39. In a further attempt to strengthen the bond holding Germany together, Bismarck fought three calculated wars, a joint Austro-Prussian invasion of Schleswig- Holstein(1864), Soon after he launched The Seven Weeks War (1866), against Austria, the Franco-Prussian War(1870) was launched, Paris was captured in 1871 and the mineral rich Alsace-Lorraine valley was drawn into the Iron Chancellors fold. The southern Germanic states were forced to accept Prussian hegemony, and Germany as it is known today was formed. Within the space of thirty years, Germany had gone from being a cluster of insignificant states to the most powerful state in Europe - full of nationalistic sentiment, patriotic people and militaristic Kaisers. It is easily forgotten that Italy, similar to Germany is only a recently created state. Little over a century ago Italy was divided into five main groups, all subject to political arrangements made by their foreign rulers. It took 21 years of resistance in the name of Irredentism, to oust the puppet Autocratic government. Liberal views were enough, Liberal views and the invasion of Austria(1848), and for a second time in 1859, the invasions were used in order to establish the nation, and to expel Austrian emigrants from northern Italy, the theme of unifying ones nation through military action has been exemplified again. In order to determine a nation on the global stage, an expansionistic foreign policy has been held by both Germany and Italy, and the result has been successful each time fusing the populace closer together by attaining a sense of achievement through hardship and therefore a joint heritage and culture. Now that the period of self-determination was temporarily complete on a national scale, it was only logical that it be commenced on the global scale. Kaiser Wilhelm II believed strongly in Kultur2, this combined with his natural militaristic tendencies, made a policy of Weltpolitik3, inevitable. Manipulated Darwinistic4 theories were employed by some as the philosophical underpinning for imperialism, racism, and unbridled capitalism, but as imperialism was fashionable, it was an acceptable justification for the subjugation of smaller, less civilized nations/cultures such as in North Africa5, and in the Pacific Arena6. Ignoring the fact that millions of lives would be involved, a simple answer was sought, and it was found. What was good enough for Britain, was good enough for Germany, proclaimed German propaganda, and so with childish justification intact, Kaiser Wilhelm set off in pursuit of his dream for a German Colonial utopia. Hence the problem, Germany had started too late, mana ging to grab what scraps were left on the global plate conflict was on the proverbial horizon. So due to nationalistic sentiment, imperialistic aspirations,

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